Wednesday, January 23, 2008

About Time..

In the past few years, blogging has gone from a computer nerd secret to the trendiest way of communicating your thoughts to anyone who will read them. And since I love reading all kinds of thoughts, blogs have made their way into my daily routine. But writing my own blog? Never really crossed my mind.

So when I enrolled in the Communication, Technology and Globalization class at Southern Methodist University and realized we'd be making our own blog, I was pretty curious. I guess this online-diary phenomenon has more to it than my daily dose of Britney Spears' antics on

As a Corporate Communications and Public Affairs major, I guess I'll have to leave my love of celebrity gossip aside and make way for the ever-important tactic of exploring the latest trends in the communications industry. And hopefully the blog can help me in gaining more knowledge about this constantly evolving field before I set out into the professional world.

It's about time I get on the bandwagon, I guess. Check back for updates!

1 comment:

College Bloggers said...

Excellent intro. I like your characterization of blogs as an online-diary phenomenon with more to it than a "daily dose of Britney Spears' antics on" We'll see. Great start on your part.
--Prof. Flournoy