Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Something to Think About..

Today I read this very interesting post on the PR Squared website dealing with Social Media News Releases. The story includes links to some of the more prominent companies that have put out news releases online and commends them on their techno-savvy attempts. The greatest part about these releases, according to PR Squared, is the two-way communication between the company and its customers.

But this raises a controversial point - how do the customers know for sure that the news release is actual news and not just fluff that is commonplace on blog posts? We have heard stories of Coca-Cola and other companies writing fake blogs to promote a product or company, so how are we to know for sure that these SMNR's are coming straight from the source and telling us useful information?

1 comment:

College Bloggers said...

Excellent question: How do the customers know for sure that the news release is actual news and not just fluff? I'd like to see you not just ask the question, but attempt to answer it. Give it a shot, and then attempt to drive blogger traffic to this posting. It's a good conversation for any communications pro.
--Prof. Flournoy